January 2025
Dear Parents/ Guardian/ Students
Happy New Year to all and welcome back.
We ended year 2024 with a bang! What with several of our students doing so well in their exams, ABRSM Practical and Theory in December. They are the following:
Dhrov Sinha Ranveer Singh Talwar Samar Singh Mann Kaveen Kumar
Kashvi Kumar Melissa Rachel Wong Giuliana Hancock
“Practice makes perfect” as we know but exposing the students to music and concerts have tremendous effect in inspiring them. If your child is into the classical programme, how about playing some classical music in the car while driving them to school or start the day by playing the same while they prepare for school at home? Pop programme? You can do the same.
A once a month or quarterly mini concert at home? Yes, it’s a way of encouraging your child to perform and be better at what they do. This was what I experienced with my parents. Take note that children listen and observe intently and your attitude and interest in their musical activities can either inspire or discourage them. So how about a few minutes of your time to musically bond with your child?
I wish to take this opportunity to share with you one important aspect in a music student’s musical progress. As most of us realize, the instrument a student owns and the musical progress he/she achieves are interrelated. Few people become proficient in an inferior instrument and are often held back if they have one. Some of the struggles students encounter at home are:
1) Practicing on a non –touch response keyboard where they do not feel and hear the song’s dynamics..
2) Grade Two and onward level students playing on a 61 keys keyboard when their pieces require them to play on an 88 keys piano.
3) A classical student playing on an old acoustic piano which is not only out of tune but has keys with defective hammers.
4) An instrument without a pedal and where their piece/s require them to use one and having to imagine pressing one without the feel of it.
As a result of the above, most students lose interest in playing music because of the frustrations they feel when they practice at home. It is like demanding a carpenter without the proper tools to build a beautiful home. Do not hesitate to approach the teacher if this is a concern and get their advice or come and see or call me when you are not too sure when you need to upgrade.
“ Short term investments pay short term results while the larger, long range investment generally guarantees a longer, more satisfying future.”
If you have further queries, please call me during office time, Monday to Friday between 10:00AM to 2:00PM. Better still, email me at [email protected]. Most parents find this technique of communication more convenient.
Again, thank you for your support.
Yours sincerely
Marilou Yu
Education Director
Dear Parents/ Guardian/ Students
Happy New Year to all and welcome back.
We ended year 2024 with a bang! What with several of our students doing so well in their exams, ABRSM Practical and Theory in December. They are the following:
Dhrov Sinha Ranveer Singh Talwar Samar Singh Mann Kaveen Kumar
Kashvi Kumar Melissa Rachel Wong Giuliana Hancock
“Practice makes perfect” as we know but exposing the students to music and concerts have tremendous effect in inspiring them. If your child is into the classical programme, how about playing some classical music in the car while driving them to school or start the day by playing the same while they prepare for school at home? Pop programme? You can do the same.
A once a month or quarterly mini concert at home? Yes, it’s a way of encouraging your child to perform and be better at what they do. This was what I experienced with my parents. Take note that children listen and observe intently and your attitude and interest in their musical activities can either inspire or discourage them. So how about a few minutes of your time to musically bond with your child?
I wish to take this opportunity to share with you one important aspect in a music student’s musical progress. As most of us realize, the instrument a student owns and the musical progress he/she achieves are interrelated. Few people become proficient in an inferior instrument and are often held back if they have one. Some of the struggles students encounter at home are:
1) Practicing on a non –touch response keyboard where they do not feel and hear the song’s dynamics..
2) Grade Two and onward level students playing on a 61 keys keyboard when their pieces require them to play on an 88 keys piano.
3) A classical student playing on an old acoustic piano which is not only out of tune but has keys with defective hammers.
4) An instrument without a pedal and where their piece/s require them to use one and having to imagine pressing one without the feel of it.
As a result of the above, most students lose interest in playing music because of the frustrations they feel when they practice at home. It is like demanding a carpenter without the proper tools to build a beautiful home. Do not hesitate to approach the teacher if this is a concern and get their advice or come and see or call me when you are not too sure when you need to upgrade.
“ Short term investments pay short term results while the larger, long range investment generally guarantees a longer, more satisfying future.”
If you have further queries, please call me during office time, Monday to Friday between 10:00AM to 2:00PM. Better still, email me at [email protected]. Most parents find this technique of communication more convenient.
Again, thank you for your support.
Yours sincerely
Marilou Yu
Education Director